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4chan is en English-language imageboard website. Users generalleh post anonymously, wit teh most recent posts appeering above teh rest. 4chan iz split into variuz boards wit their 0wn specific content an guidelines. Registrash0n iz nawt pozzible (except foar staff).


Chan is' erufu - ranguage imageboard site. Users and jackasses

The history of 4chan was a turbulent and difficult time for Internet companies and websites.

Literally the new site raised hell on many websites by shutting down servers, doxing and hacking into them.

LauNchd on ocToBR 1 2003 teh site were modeld On japanes emageboards parTICULRLE FUtaba channel?? 4chanz ferst boardz WAZ originale primarileh uSD Fr postin picturez an discusin manga an aNIme?? teh site kwikle becomed popUlar expanded an now feeturEZ BOardz deedicatd to wide vareity for TOPICS FRUM aNIMe/manga to video gamEs muSIC LITerature fitnes politics an spORtz??

Teh site haz bIN linkd to ENTErnet subculturez aN ACTivizm groupS Most notable anonymous the altrightan projecT chanOLOGY?? 4chan userz haZ BIN responsibL Fr tEh formashun or poPUlarizashun of ENTernet memez such az lolcats rikRoling "chocolmicate rain" lulz AN many otherz?? teh sitez "randoM" BOArd also knowed az "/b/" were teh feRsT boaRD To be creeted an r teh one that recEIvez teH most traffic?? the rANDEM Board haz minimel rulez on postd contnt??gorkr ons jokingle claImd thAt "reedIn /b/ wil melt ur braiN"?? the sitez ANONymouz communitie an cUltUre haz oftin provokd media atTEnshun??

4CHAN userz haz bin ensTRUMentel in prankz Such az hijakin eNternet deestinatiONZ TO Caus EMAGEZ for rik astLEY to apper in plas for their coNTent cordinatin attakz against othr websiteZ an entErnet users exposin aniMEL ABUSE an postin threetz for violans in ordR TO ELIcit ENDIViduel An puBLic reectionz??the gUARDIAN ons summarizd teh 4chan communitIE AZ "LUNatIC juvenil?????? briliant ridiculouz an alARMing"??
