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The typical left villain with a smug look on his face...

Democratic leftists, Left-socialists formerly liberals, a member of the Leftist Party of America and a pain in the ass to deal with in politics.

They practice Leftism and Socialism as their political ideology that treats the conservatives like crap by calling them, racists and fascists.

In reality, the leftists are hating on minorities who are often brainwashed into thinking that they are cared for by the Leftist Party.


Bigger Brother Leftism, the word leftist has a new meaning of "supporting the negative while looking positive" and the attacks made on other parties are "Conservatives are the devil!" and "Republicans eat babies!" have been seen throughout the United States.


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Leftism explained by cows.

A leftist generally supports many of the following political positions and practices:

  • Spreading leftist ideology around the United States and brainwashing the American people.
  • Fighting with non-leftists and other groups of people who are deemed "degenerates" and unworthy of participating in public debates.
  • Lying to the public.
  • Big spending on crap that can't be used.
  • Banning the word "hope" and "love" in public.
  • The babbling about how the cows are destroying the environment and should be banned from farms.
  • Orchestrating the War On Christmas.
  • Taxing people who sing in by holding up signs that say "Singing Causes the Environment to Die!"
  • Banning freedom of speech and expression everywhere by calling it hate speech.
  • Making the average person fail in everything and anything.
  • Silencing people with smear tactics.
  • Banning rat sperm research and development of rodent breeding programs.
  • Hiring thugs to do their dirty work rather than fight the Establishment themselves.

Leftism (2016-2019)

The new trend of American Leftism in the United States has changed since President Trump took office.

These trends are listed in the following.

  • Harassment of innocent people who are not part of any political affiliation.
  • Crying and whining about everything that the President is and isn't doing.
  • Demonizing the United States as a fascist country and not realizing that they are being total jackasses.
  • Throwing temper tantrums about the policies of unimportant bullshit from the Hill.
  • Destruction of city property and vandalizing homes, statues, and historic buildings.
  • Livestreaming their pathetic behavior and acting surprised when they get trolled.
  • Harassment of people who have been falsely accused of being "assholic", "racist" or "homophobic" in reality they are.

Leftist Socialism

Socialism You have two cows

Socialism explained by cows.

Socialism is a political ideology that advocates for an egalitarian redistribution of wealth and power in society through the redistribution of society's means of production (or means of making money). 

Here is the cold truth about the ideology of greedy Socialism.

  • They take away rights from the imaginary "racists" and "fascists" who make them into paranoid idiots.
  • They want the American people to give their hard-earned money to them so they can share the wealth of imaginary things.
  • They want to ban certain people from being elected to office because of their lack of social skills.
  • They planned to build the Socialist States of America and send everyone into labor camps.
  • they plan to make a huge space station equipped with lasers and other weapons.

Leftist Theory of Evolution

  • Leftists reject the theory of evolution and hold the doctrine that humans are the property of the "State" and shall be called "consumers" who must serve the Supreme Leader.
  • They believe monkeys are inferior to humans and therefore persecute them if they don't do what they say.
  • The leftists blame other races and ethnicities for 4 mistakes of the past while not taking responsibility for their actions.
  • The leftists one school and colleges to teach the theory of mandatory worship of the Supreme Leader.
  • They ban books that are scientific and proven to be accurate from the school curriculum.
  • The leftists tried to ban the words "dinosaur" and "prehistoric" from the dictionaries because it is detrimental to the students.
  • They uphold the most nonsensical and ridiculous of theories such as the hundreds of thousands of possibilities of having more than one brain size.
  • The leftists believe that they were chosen to be the head of the world and nobody has more power than they do this stems from the unfounded and unproven hypothesis of they evolved from Homo socialists.

Ridiculous Projects the Leftists Funded

  • They whined and cried when they couldn't spend money on their pet projects and so they decided to spend money on the "environment" and "health care" that was useless because they didn't know what to do with it.
  • They wanted to spend money on the environment that was being used for destructive purposes such as strip mining and fracking.
  • The leftists tried to sue the government for the quality of food they were receiving and thus destroying our economy. 
  • They started the financial scandal known as the 2008-2009 Financial Crisis that nearly destroyed our economy by spending money on other useless things, like fraudulent mortgages and bank bailouts.
  • They secretly funded countries such as Mexico and China and that's why we are now losing jobs to those countries.
  • During the 1980s and 1990s, the leftists wanted to spend money on the research of a variety of dangerous plants and animals such as mosquitoes, killer bees, and rats that are deadly to humans.
  • They tried to stop funding for research that led to cures for various diseases because they thought it would only help the rich and they wanted to keep the people in poverty.
  • The leftists attempted to become a sovereign nation within the United States that would cost over a trillion dollars, but it ended up costing more than $5 trillion.
  • They claimed that the United States we're spending too much money on the military and tried to end it, but they could not do so. . "They have an obsession with making the middle class poor and they have created the poverty gap by the way they have taxed people.
  • They have taken away the hard-earned money of the middle class and left the poor with nothing.
  • The leftists have destroyed the middle class and now the poor are poorer and the rich are richer. 
  • The leftist wanted taxpayers to pay for statues of brutal dictators such as Stalin, Mao, and Castro. 
  • They were accused of pilfering money that was intended for American veterans and instead used it to fund other things such as left-wing organizations and artists.
  • The leftists demanded that taxpayers pay for their college tuition and they had to spend millions of dollars on lawyers to defend them. 

The Annoying Traits of Leftists

  • The leftists want to have a monopoly on the way people think usually by giving the wrong answer to the right question. 
  • They tend to frown upon people who think for themselves.
  • They hate their supporters who are not brainwashed
  • They complain about free speech and want to silence their opponents.
  • They are afraid of alternative opinions and usually want to have one and only one way to think.
  • They despise dissent, especially if it comes from someone they consider lower than them. 
  • They throw temper tantrums when they are contradicted, and blame others for their bad behavior.
  • When angry they use childish words like "idiot" and "stupid" among other immature rhetoric.
  • They believe that people who don't agree with them are evil, fascists, racists, stupid, and dumb usually followed by a public freakout.
  • When every time there is an election they lose, they go into a state of depression and either blame the election or the country for their loss, or they just don't come back.
  • They use the word "normal" as an insult, and yet they are anything but normal.
  • When leftists are cornered, they scream about what horrible people they are and then try to blame their opponents.
  • A leftist is more likely to act like a child than an adult, as most leftists have no problem with acting like children.
  • Leftists are very emotional and prone to emotional outbursts.
  • They usually want to win at any cost and resort to any means to do so.
  • Leftists don't like to hear about anything else in life besides their political agenda.
  • They want to tell you what to think about and how to live your life and who you should and should not vote for.
  • Leftists are not happy unless they have the world at their feet, and they will do anything to get there. 
  • They are boring and have no intellectual curiosity.
  • Leftists are not very good at making friends because they always want to talk about themselves. 
  • The most childish thing they are known for is to call their opponents names.
  • They are not afraid to use public office to punish their political enemies.
  • They want to use the government to control you and punish their enemies like they are some sort of police force. Leftists are not very good at following their own rules and will make up their laws as they go along.
  • They are very narcissistic, and will usually make their policies based on how they feel rather than on any sort of logic. 
  • Leftists are not very happy unless they are criticizing someone, and they will use any means to criticize their opponents.
  • Leftists are not very good at recognizing and admitting when they are wrong. 
  • They "need" rather than "want" to have their way or there will be a revolution.
  • They have been known to bring about their downfall by being too extreme. 
  • Leftists are usually portrayed as having a mental illness because they are so obsessed with their political views. 
  • The most common misconception about leftists is that they are just angry liberals who are trying to make the world a better place for all people. 
  • They relish the idea of being the smartest person in the room, and they are usually condescending to those who disagree with them. 
  • The most important thing to know about leftists is that they are not very happy unless they are criticizing someone.
  • They want to change society at any cost to themselves and their followers by using any means possible, including lying, cheating, stealing, mentally oppressing, and bad-mouthing their opponents. 
  • They love to blame their opponents for their bad behavior and are usually upset when their opponents are not acting like a typical leftist.
  • They seek fame and fortune by being loud and obnoxious often ending with a public freakout.
  • Leftists think the government should be used to control other people and not have any freedom in the traditional sense by restricting free speech and where to eat. 
  • They refuse to believe in anything other than what they want to believe in by throwing a tantrum and starting arguments with people who have nothing to do with the situation.
  • They are more concerned with themselves than they are with others.
  • They are afraid to question the motives of their friends and are easily offended by other people's opinions.
  • They want to use the government to control other people who they feel have a different opinion than theirs.
  • They whine and cry about not having the right to have their own opinions.
  • They need to be the center of attention and are often rude and inconsiderate towards the "normal" people around them.
  • They usually make excuses for their bad behavior and are always trying to find someone to blame for their own mistakes.
  • They are hypocrites and will lie about their political ways that don't reflect their beliefs.
  • They look down on others who disagree with them and blame them for the things they did to get where they are today.
  • They use "cancel culture" as a weapon against their political enemies, and will try to silence them whenever possible.
  • They believe in "cancel culture" is the greatest tool to use against their opponents.
  • The use of "cancel culture" by the leftists consists of canceling all of their opponents' social media accounts, blocking their friends, and removing them from their circles of friends.
  • The leftists want to censor and control the media because they are afraid of their feelings getting hurt when nothing is said about them or they get criticized for their horrible behavior.
  • They have a mentality of being "the smartest person in the room" and are always trying to prove their worth to others by acting like a bunch of obnoxious adult children.
  • They believe that they know what is best for everyone and will use the power of the government to force you to do what they think is best.
  • The leftists are very angry about everything, and they usually blame their opponents for their bad behavior.
  • The leftists are always trying to find someone to blame for their failures, and they will blame their opponents, the government, and even the weather.
  • They have a sense of entitlement and a tendency to think that people are supposed to act like them.
  • They think they are entitled to a "safe space" to whine and cry about how bad they have it but in reality, leftists have a great life. 
  • They act differently in their "safe spaces" because they are not used to being around people who don't agree with them.
  • They hate classical liberalism because it is a threat to their ideology of hypocrisy, lying, and arrogance.
  • They love to be the center of attention and are always trying to get people to agree with them.
  • They are always complaining about the current political climate and how much it sucks, and they are always looking for someone to blame for their bad behavior. 
  • They do not do their research before they make their claims because they are always trying to prove their worth and make themselves look like the smartest person in the room.
  • They hate anything that is not left-wing and will try to control and influence your choices in life and bubblegum flavor. 
  • They want people to have their bubblegum flavor, but they don't want to let anyone else have theirs.
  • They usually perpetuate their crazy views on the most ridiculous things such as fatphobia, closeted hypocrisy, the "right" conspiracy, and all the other left-wing social justice garbage that was written down by a left-wing conspiracy theorist.