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"To me, what socialism means is to guarantee a basic level of dignity. It's asserting the value of saying that the Socialist States of America we want and American workers and farmers proud of is one in which all future generations of socialists can access a dignified state-funded education in socialism. It's one in which no person is too poor to have the medicines they need to live as a collective rather than in the shackles of individualism. I want America to produce steel in one year by melting down every plastic, metal, and material in their households and keep the furnaces burning 24/7 to ensure the economy will be successful!"

-Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, justifying the Socialist ideology through her bullshit speech.

"Where is my daily production?"

-Supreme Leader


-Socialist Commissar


The flag of Socialism

Socialism, a political ideology that believes that the government has ownership of people and property for the "common good" of the state and civilian lives.

However, they want that money and control of the lives of people to the extent of the law which the Socialist Party tends to rewrite and the ball is to be allowed to carry out their agenda on the populace.

Well, it doesn't work that way sometimes and often leads to rebellion and revolution in which they overthrow the socialist state with AK-47s and huff trade to fund the rebels

Regardless it is easy to show up without any weapons to overthrow the socialist government and also crowds of people can make a difference by chanting how ugly the leader is and how much he is a loser.

This is very tricky though and can lead to more problems in the future if it doesn't work and the work the people will do if this fails.

The Ridiculous Beliefs and Features of Socialism


  • The government is run by a bunch of clowns who only are in power because of the people. 
  • Some socialist politicians are more powerful than the government that they are supposed to run.
  • A socialist country has the lowest standard of living among all the countries.
  • Socialism is a system that is designed to create the worst conditions for a person to live in while the elite gets richer and richer. 
  • The government can be described by comparing it to a circus with politicians as the clowns and the citizens are the spectators. 
  • The structure of a socialist government can be compared to a garden with weeds and flowers. While the weeds are the ruling elite and the flowers are the people and the purpose of the garden is to create the best conditions for the people to live in, while the supreme leader is the gardener who manages the garden. But if the flowers are acting up and not blooming the weeds and the gardener have to step in and weed out the flowers.
  • The socialist leaders within the party hold the power and the right to declare their salaries, and those who oppose them can be fired. 
  • People who don’t agree with the decisions made by the leaders are called dissidents and are sent to labor camps for some time.
  • People are forced to take part in government-sponsored mass production of propaganda pieces and propaganda tours.
  • The leaders want to be called the egotistical title of "Supreme Leader" and to be addressed as "Dear Leader" which is completely absurd.
  • The socialist government consists of five members of the top leadership and a total of eight members and all are equal and have the same title and they are not allowed to make decisions for themselves. 
  • The government practices a ridiculous amount of propaganda and imposes a lot of psychological conditioning on the people through horrific methods. 
  • The collective government is like having two cows, one black and the other white. This works by the white cow producing milk while the black cow is an individual who keeps society together and controls the mind of the people. If one of the cows starts to have some serious problems, the government cannot afford to take care of it. However, the black cow is essential to the system and is a responsibility that has to be taken care of.
  • The socialist economy is a joke because of the incredible amount of bureaucracy that exists and the government spends an incredible amount of time and money on useless things such as enforcing ideological purity and enforcing quotas. 
  • All aspects of life, culture, education, and even entertainment are heavily controlled by the government. 
  • The government creates money out of nothing and makes more money out of nothing by printing money, which makes it impossible to pay taxes and keep track of how much money is in the economy.
  • The government also takes over all the companies and industries and tells them what they can produce and what they can sell usually wasted junk such as cheap products.
  • The government restricts the freedom of the people and controls everything they do, say, and think.
  • It can take away the freedom of people to live, work, play, and learn at any time.
  • The government is supposed to be for the people but in practice, it only serves the interests of the ruling elite.
  • The government gets most of its money from the people by taxing the people, which makes the people hate the government.
  • The government says that they are the people but they are not the people and the people are supposed to be the ones to decide what is best for the country.
  • The government is supposed to be for the people but in reality, the government is only for the interests of the ruling elite. 
  • When the government runs out of money, they print more money to make it seem like they have more money but it is still the same banknotes.
  • The government is not even able to pay for the things it is doing so it steals money from the people and gives it to itself to do what it wants.
  • The government can use theft as a means to transfer wealth from the poor to the rich and if the government is stealing so much money, it must be an enormous amount of money.
  • The government is always planning to take more money and more power from the people and to do so, ahem, they must have a plan.
  • The plan is to give money to the rich and powerful people and to allow them to get richer and stronger.
  • The food industry is owned by the government and they sell you food at the prices they want to charge.
  • The food is often expiring, rotting, and filled with disease-causing bacteria and insects so people end up buying it to get the free food and they end up paying for the government to produce it.
  • Milk and other perishable beverages are often sold by the government and it is often expired and contains bacteria.
  • The freshest food and beverages are often consumed by the ruling elite and people are forced to buy whatever they want and the government forces them to pay whatever they want for it. 
  • Socialism creates a dependency culture and an unhealthy lifestyle for people.
  • The government will tell people what they can eat, what they can drink, and what they can do. 
  • Bulleted list item

Socialist Fascism

Social fascism is a flawed and absurd ideology that is a mix between fascism and socialism that is characterized by its use of the rhetoric of far-left policies that encompasses violence and hatred against all those that are not of the same race, religion, or gender.

It is the ideology of the political and social far-left that has recently gained popularity, particularly on the internet, which is interested in gaining control of the government of the United States. 

This ideology originated in the United States after the failed communist revolution of the 1970s and was created to denounce the Republican Party as the main enemy of the people and never acknowledge that they are the problem.

The fascist part of this ideology is based on a total hatred for capitalism and free markets, which they claim is the root of all evil and will inevitably lead to a socialist revolution.

The ideology is built around the idea of saving the planet from capitalism which is the only way for the world to prosper and advance itself by putting people to work in low-paying jobs that allow them to live in poverty.

The name "fascism" is derived from the combination of "fascist" and "socialism" and is meant to call attention to the fact that there is a large component of fascism in the ideology. 

However, social fascists don't take responsibility for their actions in the name of social justice by force through violence, which is the hallmark of fascism. 

This ideology does not believe in individual liberty or the rule of law because it is a totalitarian ideology that seeks to oppress and control its citizens by making them watch movies and TV shows as a form of brainwashing.

These programs often depict scenarios that lead to a socialist revolution, which is based on the idea of destroying the capitalist system and replacing it with a government run by the working class.

The most common method of brainwashing is through the use of propaganda, which is usually done through television shows, movies, and video games.

These programs also have the added benefit of making people believe that they are living in a free and democratic society and that they are free to express their opinions, which is something that they are not in real life.

It also claims that there is no discrimination in the workplace and that it is possible for all people to get the same jobs with the same pay regardless of race, gender, or religion.

This ideology is incredibly dangerous because it often targets vulnerable people, such as immigrants and those who live in poverty, and tries to convince them that they are living in a better world than they are.

Social fascists often claim that there is a lack of jobs in the United States, which is true to a certain extent, and the job market is not as bad as people made it out to be like working at cafes. 

In reality, it is a system that promotes a totalitarian society that makes people think that they are free, when in fact they are minimum-wage workers that do not get paid enough to put up with government officials.

The "gravy train" has derailed because of the way this ideology and the people that promote it by never shutting up and watching too many fake news reports and getting their information from social media.

Their conspiracy theories are a complete joke because they often include the idea that the Republican Party is involved in a plot to destroy the world and that the United States is being run by a group of evil billionaires.

Social fascism is a form of government that wants to create a socialist utopia and is willing to use stupid rhetoric to achieve its goals that are just unrealistic. 

It is also a form of government that cares nothing about the poor and only wants to oppress them in the name of a utopian society.

Americommunist Socialism

The Americommunist Party or American Socialist Party was founded by some dumbass named Charles Emil Ruthenberg in 1919 and his league of brainless idiots. His plans for the nation planned to overthrow American democracy but they failed because it is always been there in the beginning.

Also, he tried to destroy the earth with the pigs pooping all over but it failed. What else happened is a mystery but a big meteor fell out of the sky and fell on his car.

The Americommunist believed that society owes them and also they need to hoard the goods that people make a living off of to share as a whole with the community.

This is good in everything however it's a terrible idea nobody makes that much in the year and they expect them two buy more products and then give them out for free.

The very aspect of Americommunism is flawed in itself money cannot be grown on fields or anywhere even trees.

Picking potatoes and cabbage every day is boring and also tiring because production cannot be able to keep up with the demands.

Also growing potatoes requires skills that Communists, fascists, and socialists do not have whatsoever and they get pissed off when people can't even grow a leaf on a tree.

They tend to make everybody seem racist and they are extremely racist themselves by calling minorities ethnic slurs and also not taking responsibility for their actions because they are cowards and hate to admit they are wrong.


Socialism has been compared to having your leg broken but the government doing it and knows it will heal without a cast.

The leg he was overtime but the damage caused by the government is so much greater that they will never recover.

Leftists think they can do whatever they want because they will blame it on other people even when punching a hole in the drywall they did it themselves but still claim that the wall was there all along. 

The brain of a socialist has two functions the first being to tell them what to think and the second being to make them feel superior to everyone else.

They check the internet for new things to get pissed off about and have no trouble finding them, the same thing happened with Global Warming it was not happening all along they had no idea what was going on but the internet had all the answers so they found it and it became a new thing.

They are like little kids in a candy store and their parents are out looking for them and find out they caused a revolution to overthrow the manager because they wanted free candy. 

A socialist is someone who believes is their job to take care of others, but they are willing to let someone else do their job and will pay other people to do things they don't want to do.

They don't believe in Capitalism but they do believe in getting what they want by any means necessary even illegally by stealing from the people they are supposed to be helping.
